Chasing Zephyr is for the explorers, the people that seek more. This documentary series follows the journey of Andrew Lamshed, who left a lucrative and highly stressful senior management position in the Oil & Gas industry to traverse the world and broaden his own ideas about freedom and happiness. It is an idea born of frustration and conflict, when a man was threw off his chains and sought freedom; excitement; happiness.
Thinking of Bob Marley, reggae, and smoking weed? To find out what els...
Time stopped '62 thanks to Fidel Castro's communist leadership. We dri...
Andrew wanders off the beaten path to find the 'real', asking "What's ...
Surfing, fun, food and friendly people, what's not to love about Sri L...
Join us as this time, we journey to Madagascar. We head from the capit...
Join us as this time, we journey to Madagascar. We head from the capit...
Join us as this time, we journey to Madagascar. We head from the capit...
Join us as this time, we journey to Madagascar. We head from the capit...
Join us as this time, we journey to Madagascar. We head from the capit...
Join us as this time, we journey to Madagascar. We head from the capit...