Dinner with Friends is a tragi-comedy series of six episodes following Clive ‘Brick’ Murphy, a gentle, unflappable optimist, as he tests his self-designed prototype website, Dinner With Friends, to eat dinner with strangers from around the world.
Each episode revolves around Brick meeting a new stranger for a ‘virtual dinner’. As Brick slowly comes to terms with his grief over the death of his mother over the course of the series, at its heart, Dinner with Friends is a show about the small, fleeting connections that add up to something beautiful; that the whole is bigger than the sum of its parts.
Dinner with Friends was shot during lockdown using iPhones and minimal cast/crew contact as a way to capture a moment in time. It is written and directed by Adelaide filmmakers Lucy Campbell and Claire Bishop, produced by creative producer Matt Byrne, and starring Nathan O’Keefe (A Sunburnt Christmas, Deadline Gallipoli).
After Topher cancels a business pitch, Brick meets Colleen (Jacqy Phil...
Spirits buoyed, Brick has listed his mum's house for sale. He's finall...